Jay Warren

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I'm Running For President

I have 3 goals: win a Grammy, start a political party for Americans in the "middle", not left or right, run for President in 2028.

Debut single releases 10/12. Idk if that one is the Grammy winner but I think it's an amazing song. It's called Closer and it's relatable. Nov. I'll release a single featuring my beautiful and talented wife Annie. She'll come in clutch on the harmonies and again I think you will be able to relate to that one as well. It's called Fall Asleep With You. Also the video for Closer is 🔥 directed by Cameron Gade. Dec. I'll release another single featuring James The Mormon and simultaneously release an 8 track EP/album. Not sure if 8 tracks is an album or EP. I'll figure that out when we get there I guess. The whole goal of the album is to attract industry eyes. I want the big players in the industry to know who I am because of that album. After that we'll figure out what the next moves in music are. For now that's as far as I've planned. Obviously I'll be reaching out to every blog/writer/reviewer/human I can to get them to listen to the record but as far as marketing I'm hoping you guys will just like it and show your friends/family. Now in the meantime I've got to start a new political party because I think it's pretty apparent that the two party system that we've been using has run its course. The parties are so polarized that they ostracize more voters than they truly represent. They'll say anything that is extreme just to be an opposing force to the other side. I'd be willing to bet that a party built on the idea that most voters live somewhere in the middle would be successful. The (Middleist Party?) first needs a better name, and second would seek to make honest compromise, work with other parties, be transparent in its decision making factors, and NEVER CUT PEOPLE OFF DURING DEBATES! That one is oddly important to me. The party would recognize that realistic expectations have to be set when it comes to the office of President, or any elected office. It would recognize that the US has an obligation to help other countries because their citizens are humans too, but would also understand that you can't barge in to your neighbors house and tell them how to live their lives. Party aligners would understand that they don't always know what the best course of action is and that mistakes will be made. No one is perfect and everyone gets it wrong sometimes. The party would agree that Black Lives Matter and that obviously All Lives Matter. We would help both sides see that the argument isn't about who's life matters but rather that a group of people feel like their lives haven't mattered. If any of us feel like we don't matter than we obviously have a problem. The same principle goes for individuals. If you know someone that feels like their life doesn't matter it's only human to help them feel otherwise. The point is we'd help citizens look outside of themselves and ask questions first before offering an opinion. The party would quicker tweet about the millions of citizens left without power instead of who decided to kneel at an NFL game. The party would understand that protestors kneeling during the Anthem are not anti-America but are protesting police brutality and drawing attention to the matter in the best way they know how. The party would also understand that some if not many will find the action of kneeling during the Anthem offensive/disrespectful. We would direct the conversation to fixing the issue of police brutality so that people won't have to kneel during the Anthem. Thus limiting the amount of people who will be offended by that form of protest. The party would understand that national security is an extremely important matter not to be taken lightly, and that the country does have enemies who will try to enter the country and harm US citizens. It would also understand that not everyone from "enemy" countries are enemies. There are honest and good people from every country who want to a better life in America. We would greet hardworking immigrants from all over the world with open arms who have the same dream our forefathers did. We would work proactively with the governments of neighboring countries to limit illegal immigration. There is a correct/orderly way to emigrate & there are also extenuating circumstances that have to be considered when dealing with people escaping horrible circumstances. We would help the poor/underprivileged to better themselves. We would teach them to fish! We would recognize that no two people have the same amount of privilege and it will take varying degrees of effort by all to become successful. We would help others recognize that helping the underprivileged succeed can be done without taking food from our families mouths. We would understand that compromises have to be made and that no one person, group, or party can or should have it their way 100% of the time. So I once I start that party I'll run for president in 2028. I'll be 37 by that time and will hopefully already have won my Grammy. If I win we'll go about running with open ears and trying our best to make the country a safe place where citizens are set up to live to their full potential!